Sunday, 25 March 2007

Hotdog Selling and Music Playing ...

Saturday - how funny. Fi and I went to the shops in Southampton - I was looking for some cheap bargains for my holiday to Africa (which incidently is in just over 2weeks). Suz joined us a wee bit later and we started to check out some mobile phone shops for Suz who was looking to get a new phone. So we went into Phones 4 U - I love going in there because the sales men are always so friendly! Anyway, Suz went to have a chat with the man about a phone and Fi and I then started having a chat with another man - the end result: both Fi and I ended up getting a new phone - the same one. Suz left the shop empty handed! However, she did get a phone from another shop a wee bit later. So the three of us got new phones.

Anyway, On the main shopping street in Southampton - just outside West Quay shopping centre is a hotdog vendor. Here he is:

Now I know he doesn't look anything out of the ordinary but to me he is and I always look out for him when I go shopping in southampton. The reason I look out for him is that his little cd player which sits on the top of the hotdog stand plays christian music! Almost everytime I've been there it's been playing My Jesus, My Saviour which is a fabulous song but also my ultimate favourite song "What a Faithful God". What a blooming great witness! He goes about his everyday work witnessing every minute of it. I'm reminded of what the bible says in Paul's letter to the Romans: "Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him." (chapter 8:1) alternatively, "take your everyday hotdog selling life and play your christian music before God as an offering...."

This is constantly a challenge to me .... I want that my whole being and doing be about worshipping God. May I be a bright star shining yeah?


1 comment:

littlelaughalot said...

Absolutely. We don't need to be a fantastic preacher or some great missionary... God can use our everyday life and turn it into something totally awesome...something thaty can touch and bless the lives of others...just like you by the hot-dog man. How cool is that!

Missing your amazing laugh and wonderful company. Can't wait until the next time you're up! Looking forward to seeing you

Love always