Saturday, 17 March 2007


Today was Mpower - this is a training/retreat day I organise for children's workers in the division. I've called it Mpower because the aim of the day is to empower workers in the Ministry with children - hence the name Mpower - get it? Anyway, it seemed to go well. People responsed well and the feedback has been helpful.

My good friends Lee and Richard came and helped with the sessions. Lee did a session on developing Children's Spirituality and Richard did a session on All-Age Worship. I topped and tailed it with some collective worship and my theme was You're Worth It! I wanted to explain to those present that if we want to be effective in developing children's spirituality and all-age worship then we've got to be authentic. We've got to just be our real selves. Who God has made us to be. Ruth Tracey writes in one of her songs in the army song book - "only as I truly know thee can i make thee truly know. Only bring the power to others which in my own life is shown". When we truly know God and take on board how worth it we really are to him and all that he's done for us then we can achieve great things. In Daniel 11 it says this "the people that know their God shall be strong and do great things" (paraphrased).

I love this day. I love that nearly 50 people give up their Saturday to come the training. I love their willingness to come and get involved. I love their responsiveness. I love their encouragement. I love them. I am so grateful to Richard and Lee also for giving up their busy time to come and support me. They are so busy - I think Lee was going home to write a sermon for tomorrow. God bless him. They are cracking friends to me - a real encouragement and a real laugh and I love them! So I'd like to toast the Children's workers in my division and I'd like to toast Lee and Richard ... Cheers!


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