Monday, 28 May 2007

It's not just food ... It's M&S food!

This has been a perfect end to a lovely bank holiday day for me! I have had such a chilled day and completely loved it! I really needed to have some me space today. I got up late, watched telly, talked to my big bro and HB on the telephone, got showered and dressed about 2pm, went to Southsea seafront for a long walk with a cup of tea and kit kat break midway, came home and did some ironing (what?), then suz came round and made tea with not just any old food but M&S food! Lovely Lasagne and salad and then the most beautiful dessert - Strawberries dipped in chocolate! mmmmnnn! You see Sainsbury's and M&S are terrible for those cheeky adverts which shows the most divine food. One evening we were watching telly when this Sainsbury's advert came on for the most beautiful lemon sorbet! Well, as quick as you can say Jack Flash Suz and I were in the car and driving round to the BP garage to get some lovely pudding that vaguely resembled this beautiful lemon Sorbet. We wanted to get back home before the end of the adverts. Anyway, we ended up just buying a solero ice cream instead - well seeing BP don't do adverts for their food! They'd stink! So a number of times now we've watched with great longing the M&S advert with the strawberries and chocolate dip and finally succumbed tonight - it was lovely!

So now - a perfect end to the evening - we are watching Ocean's 11. Oh my word - so much beauty and gorgeousness in one day!

I love Southsea Seafront. Wherever I move to I always think it's important to find one place where you just love to go to and know that you will feel free and feel close to God. When I lived in Scotland I loved going to Loch Lomond for this very reason and now down here Southsea Seafront is that place for me. I love the vast expanse of the sea, I love that there's always something happening on the sea, I love the spaciousness of the pavement and the flatness of it, and today I loved the wind blowing in my face, it felt like it was clearing out the cobwebs ready for the freshness of the summer and the exciting next few months.

I'd like to finally add that I am doing ok on the cruzshuz. I am mastering one foot quite well at the moment and have only nearly broken my back twice. I shall persevere! Greg said:

that I would keep at it for 2 weeks and then give up! I most certainly will not give up! I'm determined! You just see if I'm not!

Well that's about it for today. This week I'll be getting ready for NRGize which is an activity camping weekend Ian and I are organising next weekend for 24 10-14 year olds. Last year it rained the whole blooming weekend and we all ended sleeping in a barn on the Friday night because our tents got waterlogged! I am soooo praying for no rain this weekend. Unfortunately I've just checked the 5 day forecast and rain is on the menu! Big fat pooh! Please pray for no rain. I don't think I can cope with another wet camping weekend! Last year, I took a picture on my phone of my bathroom with all the candles lit and the bath nice and full of bubbles and every so often looked at the picture when I felt particularly cold or skanky and it helped me to keep focused on 5pm Sunday evening when I would actually be able to enjoy that bath for real. I'd like to confirm that the bath I had on that Sunday night was heavenly! I am expecting more of the same this year.

night then!


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