Saturday, 26 May 2007

I am very blooming happy!

This is for two reasons:
Firstly, I eventually managed to get some Heelys - except they're not heelys but Cruzeshuz! - on ebay for a very favourable price. Of course I had to try them as soon as they arrived at my work yesterday and I nearly broke my back! I will master it! people were being very discouraging! Instead of telling me that it looked fun and that I would master it etc... they kept talking about how they didn't want me to break any bones! Anyway, reckon if I wear them around a do the odd skate every now and again I'll eventually get the hang of them!

Secondly, I am happy because last night I had my fundraising ceilidh and it was jolly good fun! about 50 or 60 people came along and I made £273 profit! wicked!!!! What a laugh! Almost everyone got up and danced and those who didn't dance had a good time laughing at those were attempting to dance. No major calamities apart from Chris falling on Ian - or maybe it was the other way around - anyway it was a bit of a pile up but they got up and seemed to be ok only hurting hips and hurting pride! The other calamity was my shoes busting so I danced in my bare feet instead and now have a blister but it was so worth it! I love love love a ceilidh and everyone else seemed to last night as well - what a wicked time!

God bless everyone who came along and god bless everyone who supported the evening in whatever way! Thanks!

Now I'm going off to see Pirates of the Carribean - that will be nice - to spend some time with Johnny Depp.


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