During the summer a group of the children came over to MaM (ministry and mayhem - a camp for 8-12 yr olds) from L'Islet and then a couple of weeks later I went over there to help with the holiday club at St Peter Port. It was really good to catch up with a lot of those children this time around and great to know that many of those who came to the holiday club at St Peter Port regularly come to the Friday night club now where they play games but also receive some christian teaching.
This morning it was particularly good to see Roy, Rose and Steph. They are such lovely people and I always enjoy seeing them because they are so encouraging and supportive. Thanks you lot for being so lovely!
Now the past few times I've gone to Guernsey I've stayed in Langland! This is otherwise known as the Lang Family: Victoria, Kelvin, Francesca and Felicity. I love spending time with them. They are a beautiful family. There are many people I thank God for placing in my life and this family is definitely one of them. Now I don't thinki Victoria is a particularly soppy person (although I did make her cry yesterday - Result!) so she may be squirming at this next bit but all over the weekend I've really been trying to pin point how I feel about them. I have been so inspired by them as a family. By the love they show each other - it's not an overbearing love, it's a beautiful, secure, fun and disciplined love. Today, it was really lovely; Kelvin came looking for Francesca and I wondered what he was going to say; I was thinking perhaps he was going to ask her to do something but he just wanted to find her to tell her that he loved her! it was a really really lovely moment! Victoria is just fabulous with the girls and her and Kelvin just make me laugh!
As for the girls: Francesca is my mate! Saturday night just sitting with her on the sofa watching Dancing on Ice was cracking and really special and as for Felcitiy! She makes me laugh. She's filled with such love. She's a cheeky monkey and I think is going to cause her parents many sleepless nights. Just spending a few minutes with Felicity and Francesca and you're day is brightened up!
Francesca and Felicity - if you're reading this then imagine I am singing this song to you (to the tune of Beautiful Dreamer!)
Beautiful Flick and Beautiful Fran
They are so beautiful
Flick and Fran
Beautiful Flick and Beautiful Fran
They are so beautiful
Flick and Fran
As I've been thinking more and more about being an officer I think you tend to look around to see what kind of officer you would like to be. Now I know it's about being yourself and allowing God to mould you into the person and officer he wants you to be, but i think one of the ways he does this is to surround you with people who are good influences. I truly believe that amongst many other people including my own parents, God has placed Victoria and Kelvin in my life to be good influences on me for my officership and perhaps family life - if that's what God has planned for me. So thanks God and thanks Langlot! you're fab!
So I'm now sitting at home. I've had a lovely bath and am just relaxing by watching "As Time Goes By" (which will probably not surprise many of you who know me well!) I'm feeling slightly strange (ok, some of you will say there's no change there) and so hoping and praying that Felcity and Francesca have not passed on their colds to me! Bless them - everytime they coughed they seemed to cover their mouths after the cough! I now understand fully how children pass on bugs so easily!
You just made me cry again!
Thanks for coming and shining in our home again - we all love you very much!
This post is good cos my friends are in it
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