Saturday, 30 June 2007

What a Numpty!

Yes I'm a complete and utter numpty! It's official. Last Sunday I left home at 9am to travel to Poole to do the morning meeting which was the YP celebration. I'm in the process of getting all my stuff out of the car when Mandy comes up to me and says "Clare, you've got the wrong Sunday - it's next week you're meant to be coming!" I did question a number of times if she was joking and then when I finally accepted that she wasn't I had a right strop and threw my stuff into the boot of the car exclaiming "Oh you've got to be joking!" So feeling very foolish, I went into the hall, had a cup of coffee and had a chat with a few people and then made an escape - there was no way I was staying around - how embarrassing! So I wondered what I should do next. Here I was dolled up in my uniform with my army hairstyle. I could have gone back to my own corps, knowing their time keeping the meeting would have only just started. But I decided I would worship the Lord by spending time with my family and went to see Auntie Anne instead as she only lives about 20mins from Poole. It was nice to see her and she made a lovely lunch.

Whilst I am annoyed with myself somewhat, I realised that in all my travelling around for this job doing various things in three and half years this is the first time I've ever got the details wrong and I am so very grateful it wasn't the other way round: to not turn up when they were expecting me. I am also a person who likes to learn from experience and draw out the lessons or the positives from it. It could well be that someone this Sunday may need to especially hear what God has to say that couldn't have been there last week. It also meant that I was able to have a lovely sunday with my Auntie.

Of course people have found this very funny (I guess whilst they're making fun of me, they can't be making fun of anyone else!) and they think it's because I'm in love. Can I just clarify that I did put this date in my diary months ago!!!! A long time before all of this other dreamy stuff happened! Having said that, this week I have missed an appointment with the plumber, got confused about what day I'm meant to be meeting Liz, turned up to do a club with half of my resources missing!

What is that all about?!?!?!

Anyway, I've got my opening line for the tomorrow's meeting all planned. If you can't beat them, join them - so I'll let them have a good laugh at me. I can handle it!


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