Well what a wonderful wonderful day! Everyone was so calm. The weather was perfect (it was sunny until all the photos were done and we all went inside to have our meal - then the heavens opened!) The ceremony went perfectly and was beautiful. It was so good to see lovely friends and family.
We had a wonderful honeymoon to Los Angeles first, where we went to Disneyland, Universal studios and Hollywood. Then we went to the Maui which is one of the Hawaiian island. It was beautiful there - not quite how we imagined but it was still lovely and relaxing. Then finally we went to San Francisco which was lovely. However, by the time we got back there had been that many time changes that our body clocks were all over the place. We only now seem to be getting sorted.
It's been all go since being back. We've said goodbye to Richard, Heidie and Lukeyboy who have gone back to Zambia - just for the year. I'm sad they've gone back but I understand. They have done such an amazing job out there and God has used them so much - they needed to go back to ensure that the work done wasn't undone. Hopefully, the army will find someone to take over from them in time for them coming home next year because I don't want my hopes being raised to be dashed again!
Now we're trying to get into the routine of married life. Ade and I have both lived on our own for so long so working out living with someone else is interesting. We seem to be coping ok and have not come to blows yet. When we're at home together it's strange getting used to it being ok being in different rooms getting on with different things. When we were together before being married we wanted to spend every moment with each other and make the most of the time because it was so scarce. I can't get used to the fact that we are now spending the rest of our lives together and so it's ok for him to be in one room doing something and me in the other!
Portsmouth North Corps is lovely. Everyone is so keen and wanting to make a difference. We have already ordered a Skip and filled it with stuff that's been hoarded. On Monday the holiday club starts. We are expecting about 25 children. The club is from 10am -3pm Monday to Friday which should be fun but tiring I reckon. Somewhere in that time I've got to find some time to do some reading for a 3000 word assignment due in at the end of the month.
So for both Ade and I we knew in theory that this year is going to be a hard one, what with him doing two jobs and me jobbing and studying but when the reality kicks in, so does the emotions and all the fore-knowledge in the world doesn't properly prepare you for that because you don't ever know how you will react to something until you are actually facing do you?
However, what I am clinging to is that in the early days you want to do so much and you need to get to a more level and realistic plane. I'm also clinging to the fact that I'm sure this is part of God's plan. I know he doesn't promise to take away the hard times, but he promises his resources of heaven to help us through the hard times. Next week the theme for the holiday club is champions, and what it means to be a champion for God. We are looking at 5 words: determination, direction, distraction, dedication and decoration. I'm keeping in mind the memory verse for the Direction day which says, 'Let us run with determination the race that lies before us. let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus in who our faith depends.' (Hebrews 12:1-2). I think that might be my memory verse for the year, let alone the week!
Awww Bless Clare. I remember those days. Just now I'd just like to be able to sit and talk to D without hearing "Mum she's done this" or "Mummy, Eilidh doesn't listen to me!" Make the most of those couple days as I really miss them at the moment, though I'd wouldn't be without my babies, some quiet time would be fab. Take care and enjoy everything you are doing.
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